Russian Nested Doll Painting
Fun for the whole family! Traditional Russian artist and lecturer Marina Forbes will offer a unique workshop on the rich Russian folk tradition of Matryoshka (wooden nested doll) painting. The workshop will be held in the Gilmore Room on Saturday, September 30th. at 10:00 AM and is open to adults and families with children age 6 and up. This will be a great opportunity for families to work together and learn about Russian crafts and culture. Students will hear the story of the Matryoshka doll and will learn about her traditional Russian dress and customs. Traditional Russian painting techniques and floral and berry designs are also introduced. Students can work on 7-piece, 5-piece, 3-piece, or 1-piece Matryoshka sets. Throughout the workshop students will be listening to traditional Russian music and, during a brief break, there will be a demonstration of a few steps from a traditional Russian, "Matryoshka dance."
Students must purchase a pre-designed Matryoshka doll or doll set at the workshop in order to participate. Prices start at $10.00 for a 1-piece doll; 3-piece doll sets start at $16.00. Families may work on doll sets as a team. All paints and brushes will be provided. For more information or to register, please call the library at 542-7017. Space is limited so please register in advance.