Children's Programs for February and March
Read to Me Story and Activity Time
with Parents as Teachers
Picture books, rhymes and songs, fingerplays
Tuesday mornings
Children ages 3 to 5: 9:30 to 10:00
Ages birth to 3: 10:00 to 10:30
with Parents as Teachers
Picture books, rhymes and songs, fingerplays
Tuesday mornings
Children ages 3 to 5: 9:30 to 10:00
Ages birth to 3: 10:00 to 10:30
Pre-school Story Time
Stories and a coloring project
Wednesdays, February 3rd through March 10th
10:30 AM
Ages 3 to 5
Stories and a coloring project
Wednesdays, February 3rd through March 10th
10:30 AM
Ages 3 to 5
After School Story Time
Wednesdays, February 3rd through March 10th
3:45 to 4:30 PM
Ages 5 to 7
Wednesdays, February 3rd through March 10th
3:45 to 4:30 PM
Ages 5 to 7
Crafty Thursday
Thursdays February 4th through March 11th
10:30 AM
Ages 3 to 5
Please call 542-7017 to register for Crafty Thursday
Thursdays February 4th through March 11th
10:30 AM
Ages 3 to 5
Please call 542-7017 to register for Crafty Thursday
After School Pet Program
in honor of
Random Acts of Kindness Week
with Jane Brodeur
Informational program on pet ownership and hands on activity
Monday, February 8th.
4:00 PM
School age children
in honor of
Random Acts of Kindness Week
with Jane Brodeur
Informational program on pet ownership and hands on activity
Monday, February 8th.
4:00 PM
School age children
For more information on these programs please call 542-7017